Saturday, April 23, 2011

while baby's sleeping

I should be sleeping these couple hours as Roslyn sleeps... but instead I've been looking at pictures from the past. Is that redundant? I guess all pictures are from the past. I was looking at pics from about 4 years ago.

It doesn't sound that long ago, but after looking through the pics, it feels like FOREVER ago. I miss the past sometimes. I miss being spontaneous. I miss the random parties for no specific reason. The list could go on... but ya know what? I then look at this picture:

This picture is not from the past. This handsome man and beautiful girl are my future. Every decision Andrew and I will make from this time forward will affect this sweet baby. Even though I may miss certain things about the past, when I look forward into the unknown... I'm thrilled. Thrilled to spend such an exciting lifelong adventure with my baby. I now have a family of three (which will probably grow in a few years). Who knows what the future holds :) I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I love adventures!!!

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