Monday, July 16, 2012


Roslyn Kate makes animal sounds and can say some words! There are a couple words she says on the regular now: cheese & pool! Except pool is said with a "g" or "c" sound. :) She will say other ones but those two are the best. Oh and "hi" has been said for months now.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recent Pics

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

15 months update

Roslyn had her 15 months doctor's appointment today.

Height 29 1/4 - 15%
Weight 19 lbs 10 oz - 7%
Head 46.8 - 78%

She has been sick this past week. First a cold, then fever, and found out Wednesday she has an ear infection in her left ear :( But she's on antibiotics now and is feeling a little better each day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Friday, June 08, 2012

For the love of Bunny!

I was in the kitchen when I heard giggles coming from the living room. Giggles quickly turned into hearty laughter. The only people home were me and Roslyn. I called out to Roz, "what are you laughing at??!" I walked into the living room to find Roslyn staring (and laughing giddily) at her bunny who was sitting on the couch staring back at her.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Rozzy Roz as of late

I know it has been a while since my last update... so this one will be full of some of my favorite photos of Roslyn since my last post in March. Here are some things to share about my cutie-pa-tootie: definitely keeps us busy; LOVES to be on the go; going outside is a favorite of hers, but that's not enough now... she wants to go down by the pool outside; she likes to get her feet and hands wet in the pool, but she has yet to enjoy her whole body getting in (maybe once it's even hotter); we've been teaching her some sign language - she does the "more" sign for everything; she's doing pretty good with eating, we give her soy yogurt and veggie cheese since she is not eating/drinking dairy. definitely is not an over-eater... she basically snacks all throughout the day; goes up and down the slide all by herself; LOVES when people chase her... if she wants to be chased she will look at you and lean, waiting for you to say "I'm gonna get you!" then she starts to run; greets MayRae everyday by tickling her.
We just moved her in her own room a couple weeks ago when Aunt B moved out. It's been a little rocky getting her to sleep through the night, but I have hope! :)

Likes sitting in tiny spaces....

 Wearing her FSU dress Great Grandma Apple made her (Go Noles!)

Looking beautiful in her yellow dress

Look at my belly/Yes, can I help you?/Funny face

Tired friends (Maylene, Will, Roslyn)

MayRae & Roz obviously are not used to playmates in the bathtub

Holding on for dear life! She's not too comfy with the BIG slide

Cool Breeze

Giving Ma Ma kisses!

Easter egg hunt at Meme's

LOVES her Da Da

Cousins - Maylene and Roslyn


Fun in the pool

Happy playing in the giant puddle

Andrew and I are celebrating our 3rd anniversary this weekend by going to the beach. It will be the first time we leave Roslyn over night. I'm nervous about it, but I'm also really excited to get a break and have a chance to relax.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

12 months update!

Crazy girl at the doctor today
She got bored on the table, so she moved to the chair
She got bored with that chair, so moved to the other one
Roslyn is ONE YEAR OLD! Her height is 28 1/4" in the 20%; weight is 19 lbs 7 oz in the 25%; and head circumference of 46.4 cm in the 85%. She is a growing baby! :) As you have probably seen in a previous post, she is WALKING!!! Roz hates getting dirty or uncomfortable. She still loves to climb; will sit in any box in sight after throwing whatever was in it on the floor. Music is definitely a part of who she is; walks up to Andrew's guitar and starts strumming it and singing. She knows how to be nice to her cousin, Maylene. They love each other very much. MayRae just wants to grab Roslyn every time she sees her; Roz likes giving Maylene hugs. Something I've found super cute is how she'll bend down, her cheek touching the floor, to look for something which might be under a piece of furniture. We tried switching her to whole milk on her birthday; she had the same reaction (hives & mega throw-up) she had to regular formula. So now we are giving her soy milk. She eats baby oatmeal and baby food sometimes. Roslyn is a very particular eater. She mostly wants big people food (which she chokes on) or puffs (which she can have). If it was her choice, I think she could live off of puffs. She would much rather feed herself than have me feed her. She enjoys watching mommy and daddy play the wii; still likes rolling the ball back and forth. She sleeps through the night on and off. Some nights she'll wake up at wee hours of the morning and want a bottle. Her normal bedtime right now is 10pm, as long as she doesn't have a late nap. She had a lot of fun at her birthday party! She would not eat the cake until I gave her a spoon.... couldn't get her hands dirty lol. She has shown a new fascination with eyes and eyebrows. When I rock her, she'll just stare at my eyes/brows and touch them. It makes me laugh... then she starts laughing. Fun times! When the AC kicks on, the vent in the kitchen is a favorite spot of hers. She likes the air blowing. Andrew and I got her a 3-wheeled scooter for her birthday; she has fun riding it, but can't quite touch the ground fully with both feet. She is saying most babbles except "mama" on a regular basis.... although I think she knows who "mama" is. Roslyn is one funny baby. She has quirks; she is dramatic; full of energy; and she truly loves to be around people and laugh! Her smile lights up her whole face. It is the most beautiful thing ever.
Here are some pictures and a video from her birthday party:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Year Ago...

(Roslyn, March 2011, one week old)

... God gave me the most precious gift, my baby. Roslyn Kate Apple is turning one year old today, March 16, 2012. This past year has gone by slow at some points and fast at others. It was definitely jammed packed FULL of memories that will be forever etched in my mind. Tonight, Andrew and I watched videos from Roslyn's birth at the hospital. If I think about my baby turning a year old already, I'll start to cry; so I distract myself with the planning of her birthday party. I cry about Roz turning one because she has already tripled in size and is just growing so stinkin' fast!! I cry because I am so excited and happy to see my baby experience new things. There are multiple reasons tears rush to my eyes when I think about Roslyn (even when it isn't her birthday). I can't even put into words the overwhelming love and joy she has brought to my life.

(Roslyn, March 2011, one week old)

(I will give her 12 month update sometime next week after her doctor's appointment.)

Roz is the Coolest

Photos by Andrew Apple

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cleaning up after MaMa

Roz decided to put my shoes away. She makes me laugh!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday, March 09, 2012

Sweet Sleep

Roslyn has been asleep for a while now, yet I'm still rocking her. At this moment, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. She's getting a lot more independent; she doesn't cuddle all the time like I would love her to. I seriously cherish these moments like this one. Still. Quiet. The sound of her breathing. My sweet baby here in my arms.

Basket Survivor

She eyed the next one out (mr. penguin), then executed her decision by banishing him from basket island. Well played, Roz.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Thursday, March 01, 2012


Roslyn Kate Apple just took not one but TWO steps!!!! AND she wasn't falling while taking them. She was walking to me while waving bye to Da Da :) I'm so proud! I haven't gotten her to do it again yet, though haha.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Maylene Traps Roslyn

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Andrew & Roslyn

this made my night. i heart these two!

Roz thinks I'm funny :)

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Roz kept leaning in so Papa would kiss her :)

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

This Is How She Goes Down Stairs

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Roslyn's 11 month update

ONE MONTH AWAY FROM BEING 1 YEAR OLD!! I really can't believe it. These 11 months have gone be super fast.

According to my handy dandy scale at home, Roz weighs 19 lbs.

Today she went down 7 steps. She won't do it the way we tried teaching her, holding on to the steps and going down facing them... nooooo, she has to go down like a big girl facing forward. She was making me super nervous, and I was ready to catch her. But she managed to make it down without my help! So now she loves to go up and down stairs.
There is something she does all the time now that has really made us laugh. She laughs before she goes to touch or grab something she knows is off limits. It really is hilarious because she is totally giving herself away! She'll stand up at the coffee table where the remote [she's not allowed to play with] is. Staring at it, Roz starts laughing - in a giddy way - and THEN goes to grab it after we all look to see what she's laughing at. She is a hoot.
Table food is her thing. She is trying new things and likes most of it.
Every time Andrew starts playing the guitar, Roslyn dances. I know I've probably said this many times before, but she totally is in love with music and dancing.
That's all for now.... I gotta start planning her first birthday party! AH!