Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Roslyn and her daily case of the hiccups

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Roz loves her daddy!

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

while baby's sleeping

I should be sleeping these couple hours as Roslyn sleeps... but instead I've been looking at pictures from the past. Is that redundant? I guess all pictures are from the past. I was looking at pics from about 4 years ago.

It doesn't sound that long ago, but after looking through the pics, it feels like FOREVER ago. I miss the past sometimes. I miss being spontaneous. I miss the random parties for no specific reason. The list could go on... but ya know what? I then look at this picture:

This picture is not from the past. This handsome man and beautiful girl are my future. Every decision Andrew and I will make from this time forward will affect this sweet baby. Even though I may miss certain things about the past, when I look forward into the unknown... I'm thrilled. Thrilled to spend such an exciting lifelong adventure with my baby. I now have a family of three (which will probably grow in a few years). Who knows what the future holds :) I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I love adventures!!!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Roslyn Kate's Birth Story: At the Hospital (Part 2)

Andrew and I get to the hospital, and I tell the lady at the desk that my water broke. She told me I was a keeper! Lol They took me back to a hallway of beds divided by curtains, and hooked me up to the screen to monitor contractions which had just started at this point. My momma showed up. Then after a little while they took me to a room. Ashlyn and Bethy showed up and watched me lay in bed fighting thru mild contractions haha. Oh and they got to see me throw up! Fun stuff... They were hoping she'd come by 7am, before they had to leave but she didn't. I walked around some in the very beginning. And utilized the tub with jets a few times throughout. My favorite was what they call the birthing ball. It's one of those big exercise balls. They set it on the floor at the foot of the bed and put pillows on the foot of bed, so I sat on the ball and leaned forward onto the pillows on bed. The nurses or Andrew would rub my back, except for when a contraction came. At that point, no touchy! Lol I also sat in the rocking chair a little bit. I don't think I could have had better nurses! Mich & KT were my nurses and they were amazing!!! They made suggestions and were so extremely sweet. Seriously, if you have a baby at TMH ask for them... I will with my next baby! Andrew was so pitiful during the day... he was sooo tired but trying so hard to stay awake! He would be nodding off beside me, then my heavy breathing would wake him up as contractions came and he'd be right there, "breath. Hee hee hoo. Hee hee hoo. You got it. You can do it." My husband was nothing but encouraging and such an awesome coach. I love him so much and I'm very thankful for him. He's my perfect match :) My mom was also there the whole time, and I was very thankful for that! It was comforting having her there. Around noon I took a pain killer... don't know exactly what it was but it definitely didn't kill pain. It did make me tired and dizzy tho. Which was kinda good cause it helped me get some rest. I slept between contractions. I think it slowed down the process. Cause when it wore off contractions started picking up. They were getting super super intense and painful. But I was stuck at 9 cm dialated and they said the contractions were too weak. I'm thinking, "SAY WHA?? Too weak??" So the doc and nurses tell me they're gonna have to induce me to intensify contractions. I feel like I'm already at my pain tolerance limit at that point... so thinking of them intensifying made me cringe. I decided if they induced me I wanted an epidural. So they brought in all the stuff for the epidural; as they were getting it ready a contraction hit that totally took control of my body and made me push. It was the weirdest feeling cause I had no control of what I was doing. The nurses stopped what they were doing and said they'd better check me again. When they did they said baby was coming and I was 10 cm dialated and ready! I was crying. Scared. In horrifying pain. I wanted to give up. Isn't that weird?? I really did. I remember saying, "I can't do it!" But in response to that I had my two nurses, the doc, my husband, and momma all say "oh yes you can!!!!" So I pushed for around 20 minutes (it felt like FOREVER) and finally, FINALLY my baby girl, Roslyn Kate, entered into this world at around 4:30ish pm on March 16, 2011. The pain was unbearable, but my sweet baby is so totally worth it. Andrew cut the umbilical cord. And he was so giddy! Laughing and excited. She already has him wrapped around her finger :) It was so crazy to me how I almost got an epidural, but God totally showed up and helped me have her the way I wanted to, epidural free! I don't remember what my first reaction was to her... in the video Andrew took, my face had a blank stare. I think I was just out of it, exhausted, and relieved that it was over. Roslyn's 14 hour birth was definitely an adventure and a crazy experience. But I wouldn't change anything about it. I am so extremely thankful for my beautiful girl's health! I'll end this story by saying GOD IS AWESOME.
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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Roslyn Kate's Birth Story: Pre-Hospital (Part 1)

Tuesday night, March 15th, Andrew and I came home around 11:30ishpm from Russ & Ashlyn's house. I had been saying for the past 5 days that baby would come that night! I was getting very impatient and just ready for her to be here already! So when we got home we decided to go for a walk around our neighborhood because I had heard that might help start labor. We walked a few times around the neighborhood until I was totally out of breath. We went to bed probably around 1:30am(March 16th). Andrew was starting to fall asleep but I was just laying there in bed, wide awake. At 2am I felt something "down there"... then a little more... I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, at this point my water had broken and gushed out! I woke Andrew up to tell him my water broke. "Are you sure??" he said. I responded by assuring him I hadn't peed on myself. So he jumps out of bed, we gathered our things together to go to the hospital. I texted my sisters and his sisters to tell them we were on our way to the hospital. On the way I called my parents to tell them. I hadn't had any contractions yet. We were getting excited and kinda nervous at this point.
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