Sunday, January 29, 2012

Andrew chasing Roz!

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Roslyn's 10 months & 10 days update

Roslyn had her 10 month checkup today at the doc. She is 27 1/2 in. (25%), 18 lbs 8 oz (32%), & head circumference is 45'5 (82%). She has her daddy's large head haha.

Here is me with my niece, Maylene Rae, and my baby, Roslyn Kate :)

Look at her thighs!!

She thinks it's hilarious when she spits water out everywhere.

Mommy Confession: Sometimes I let her cry for a few seconds without doing anything because her cry is so cute.

Sitting at the doctor. She was in a super good mood, smiled and laughed at everyone who walked in the door!

She likes to go fast! Like her momma :)

She is crawling EVERYWHERE, likes to get into everything, & wants everything she can't have. Her favorite snack is puffs. She eats fruits and veggies (baby food) even tho she makes faces at the veggies, she'll still swallow it. A week before she turned 10 months she went strictly to soy formula, no more breast milk. She still gets nervous when she stands up. She hasn't walked yet, but I have a feeling she will soon! Her favorite things to do are climb the stairs and click her tongue. :) She claps. And she waves to anyone coming or going.... she'll wave to the room that we are leaving in the house. She'll roll a ball back to me; she likes to throw things behind her.

We've actually gotten in somewhat of a routine. Here's what a day looks like when I stay at home with her: She wakes up once during the night (last night it was 2am) to drink a bottle then go right back to sleep. Wakes up at 7am(ish)... eats breakfast (fruit baby food) around 8am. Drink bottle around 10am. Morning nap for about an hour. Lunch at 12pm (fruit baby food). Play! Drink bottle around 2 or 3pm. Afternoon nap for a couple hours. Dinner (veggie baby food) at 6pm. PLAY. Bottle/Bedtime 8:30-9ish.

I can't imagine life without her. <3

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Roz Standing!!

the babe clicks her tongue!

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Roz Adventures: Up the Stairs She Goes

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She Wanted to be Weighed :P

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Monday, January 09, 2012

Saturday, January 07, 2012


I am one proud momma right now!! Roslyn clapped for the first time on her own today! The picture is blurry because of the clapping :) Yay, Roz!!!

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Roslyn playing with her musical turtle :)

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